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    • 46073
    • 65 Posts
    I have a simple Radio button filed taht does not seem to want to render in the grid editor. I can get a dropdown listbox to display but it's options are blank. Please advise.

    Form Tabs (partial):
    {"field":"align","caption":"Caption Alignment","description":"Default: Left","inputTVtype":"option","inputOptionValues":"Left||Right","default":"Left"}

    Grid Columns (partial):
    {"header": "Caption Alignment", "width": "250", "sortable": "true", "dataIndex": "align","editor":"this.listboxEditor"}
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      did you try

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 46073
        • 65 Posts
        Quote from: Bruno17 at Jul 25, 2017, 04:27 PM
        did you try

        Yes, I've tried listbox, checkbox, and option (radio) none of them work.

        This is what it looks like when I try to edit the field.
        [ed. note: rgliberty last edited this post 6 years, 9 months ago.]
          • 51216
          • 35 Posts
          Having the same problem.

          Here's my code:

          Form Tabs
          {"caption":"Entry", "fields": [
              {"field":"published","caption":"Published","inputTVtype":"listbox", "inputOptionValues":"Yes||No", "default":"Yes"}

          Grid Columns
          {"header": "Name", "width": "50", "sortable": "true", "dataIndex": "name", "editor": "this.textEditor"},
          {"header": "Description", "width": "50", "sortable": "true", "dataIndex": "description"},
          {"header": "Image", "width": "50", "sortable": "true", "dataIndex": "image","renderer": "this.renderImage"},
          {"header": "Published", "width": "50", "dataIndex": "published", "editor": "this.listboxEditor"}

          I also tried inputTV using my own TV.

          Any suggestions?

          Edit: Using MIGX 2.11.0-pl
            • 26503
            • 620 Posts
            I am having the same problem as well - I can get the list box to display in the form, but it shows up blank in the grid. How do I populate that with options so users can select them?

            Here is the field (works)

                      "caption":"Project Category",
                      "inputOptionValues":"@EVAL return '--- Choose Category ---==||' . $modx->runSnippet('migxLoopCollection',array('packageName'=>'projects','classname'=>'ProjectCategory','tpl'=>'@CODE:[[+category]]==[[+id]]','outputSeparator'=>'||'));",

            and the column (does not work)


            and the extended stuff:

                "migx_add":"Add New Project",
              *** Not just websites, we also create signage, banners, print, trade show displays and more! ***

              Sean Kimball CLP, CLS.
              Technical Director / Sr. Developer | BigBlock Studios
              Bigblock Studios http://www.bigblockstudios.ca Web site design & development.
              27-1300 King Street East. Box 167 Oshawa, Ontario L1H8J4 Canada.
              phone/fax: 905-426-5525
              • 26503
              • 620 Posts
              Here are the changes I made to get this to work.

                    "caption":"Project Details",
                        "caption":"Project Title",
                        "caption":"Project Category",
                        "inputOptionValues":"@EVAL return '--- Choose Category ---==||' . $modx->runSnippet('migxLoopCollection',array('packageName'=>'projects','classname'=>'ProjectCategory','tpl'=>'@CODE:[[+category]]==[[+id]]','outputSeparator'=>'||'));",
                        "caption":"Project Status",
                        "inputOptionValues":"@EVAL return '--- Choose Status ---==||' . $modx->runSnippet('migxLoopCollection',array('packageName'=>'projects','classname'=>'ProjectStatus','tpl'=>'@CODE:[[+status]]==[[+id]]','outputSeparator'=>'||'));",
                        "caption":"Tender Date",
                        "caption":"Square Feet",
                        "caption":"Project is featured",
                    "caption":"Project Documents",
                    "caption":"Project Images",
                  "migx_add":"Add New Project",
                    "renderchunktpl":"[[!projects? &function=`getListBoxOption` &alias=`ProjectCategory` &object_id=`[[+ProjectCategory_id]]` &return_column=`category`]]",
                    "header":"Project Status",
                    "renderchunktpl":"[[!projects? &function=`getListBoxOption` &alias=`ProjectStatus` &object_id=`[[+ProjectStatus_id]]` &return_column=`status`]]",
                    "header":"Tender Date",
                    "header":"Square Feet",

              all my projects snippet does is call the projcects class & pass on some properties:

              //$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,'Running snippet. '.print_r($scriptProperties,TRUE));
              $output = '';
              $core = $modx->getOption('core_path').'components/projects/model/';
              $project = $modx->getService('projects', 'Projects', $core, $scriptProperties);
              if (!$project instanceof Projects){
              	return 'Insantiation failed during snippet execution';
                $function = isset($scriptProperties['function']) ? $scriptProperties['function'] : FALSE;
                $output = $project->$function($scriptProperties);
              return $output;

              And the function in the class:
              public function getListBoxOption($scriptProperties){    	
              	    	$output = '';
              	    	$alias = (isset($scriptProperties['alias'])) ? $scriptProperties['alias'] : FALSE;
              	    	$object_id = (isset($scriptProperties['object_id'])) ? $scriptProperties['object_id'] : FALSE;
              	    	$return_column = (isset($scriptProperties['return_column'])) ? $scriptProperties['return_column'] : FALSE;
              	    	if(!$alias || !$object_id || !$return_column){ return 'Missing object parameters.'; }
              			$option = $this->modx->getObject($alias, $object_id);
              				return $option->get($return_column);
              				return ' No options found.';

                *** Not just websites, we also create signage, banners, print, trade show displays and more! ***

                Sean Kimball CLP, CLS.
                Technical Director / Sr. Developer | BigBlock Studios
                Bigblock Studios http://www.bigblockstudios.ca Web site design & development.
                27-1300 King Street East. Box 167 Oshawa, Ontario L1H8J4 Canada.
                phone/fax: 905-426-5525
                • 26503
                • 620 Posts
                Now of course those listbox fields sort by ID in the grid, not by the category/status name ... need to figure sorting options out now.
                  *** Not just websites, we also create signage, banners, print, trade show displays and more! ***

                  Sean Kimball CLP, CLS.
                  Technical Director / Sr. Developer | BigBlock Studios
                  Bigblock Studios http://www.bigblockstudios.ca Web site design & development.
                  27-1300 King Street East. Box 167 Oshawa, Ontario L1H8J4 Canada.
                  phone/fax: 905-426-5525