Quote from: BobRay at Jun 01, 2017, 04:24 AMThe sloppy naming is an issue, but a much bigger one is the on-the-fly IDs that modExt generates, which can change at any time, not to mention the inline styling:
Ah, yes. I think if we adopt an HTML-first process for the next manager we won't have that issue anymore. I feel we need to be very careful not to run into the same issues with 2.x just in another way. What I mean by that is, we shouldn't go all in on React, Vue.js, Angular, or whatever as we did with ExtJS in 2.x. At least not in "the core". As awesome as React is, if we shipped it in the core years from now we'd wind up with the same kind of technical debt we are experiencing now from ExtJS.
I've started working on a Progressive Manager DRAFT that aims to protect us from this technical debt while providing the creative freedom to enhance the Manager with whatever tools you like.
The community has long pondered "what JavaScript framework should the next Manager be built with. jQuery? Angular? React". I think the answer is none of the above. In fact, that DRAFT goes as far to suggest that the MODX core, should just be the MODX core and not even ship with a Manager interface at all. Rather it would ship with a few default "core packages". One that provides the Manager interface as semantic HTML and perhaps another to style that HTML and another to enhance it. This would bring creative freedom to the MODX manager itself and decouple the front and back end allowing them to be on their own release cycle. Currently front end contributors who would like to update the Manager interface have to wait for breaking changes to happen in the backend but if we decouple that would no longer be an issue.