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    • 8471
    • 333 Posts
    Hi, I have a very big problem! Today I have tried to access to my manger and after I have inserted my login i received this parse error:
    « MODx Parse Error »
    MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource: 
    « Execution of a query to the database failed - Table './modx/modx_manager_log' is marked as crashed and should be repaired » 
          SQL: INSERT INTO `modx`.`modx_manager_log` (timestamp, internalKey, username, action, itemid, itemname, message) VALUES('1207224541', '1', 'asp', '58', '-', 'MODx', 'Logged in') 
          [Copy SQL to ClipBoard]INSERT INTO `modx`.`modx_manager_log` (timestamp, internalKey, username, action, itemid, itemname, message) VALUES('1207224541', '1', 'asp', '58', '-', 'MODx', 'Logged in') 
    Parser timing 
      MySQL:  0.0018 s (0 Requests) 
      PHP:  1207224541.8681 s   
      Total:  1207224541.8699 s   
    Error while inserting event log into database.

    I’m very worried! Have I received an attack? How can I restore my manger?
    I have noticed that I receive a very similar error also when I try to open the SMF forum on my site!
    Thanks a lot
      Sorry for my bad English grin
    • It could be a server that was simply overloaded and the table failed. You should be able to login via phpMyAdmin and repair the table or ask your host to do so.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 8471
        • 333 Posts
        Thank you very much! I have solved with the query: REPAIR TABLE nameofthetable
        I’ve founded that my database has a lot of tables crashed! So strange...
          Sorry for my bad English grin