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    • 42035
    • 90 Posts
    I have created a component manager page and there have built simple functionality means add user, update and delete and also sort them with id, name. But to go ahead i want to drag and drop type functionality in my CMP. I dont know how to implement it with my CMP.

    This functionality is same as in Migx. When you create migx for anything than you are able to drag and drop the things up and down. I want same as this. But still cant find this.

    Using Modx revolution instant version. Give solution will be useful to me!
    Go here for image : http://prntscr.com/30e9hr
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      reordering a paginated grid with drag/drop isn't that funny, IMO

      but you have another option.
      Within a MIGXdb-CMP, you can use the renderPositionSelector - renderer for that column, which you want to sort by.
      This gives you a new button in that column.
      Click it once.
      All icons for that column change to three new icons for up/cancel/down.
      Select the new row (up or down - icon), can also be at another page of that grid.
      This will start a processor, which does the reordering - stuff and sets new values to this column for all records. [ed. note: Bruno17 last edited this post 10 years, 2 months ago.]

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

