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    • 13730
    • 149 Posts
    Modx 2.3.3 (French installation)
    PHP : 5.4.38
    MySql : 5.5.42
    Babel beta 3

    Web Context : French
    English Context : English


    This is not my first Babel installation. The installation process has always been easy and without problem. I follow the «http://designfromwithin.com/blog/modx-multilingual» tutorial for setting up the .htaccess, the context and the gateway.

    But this time, I am stuck with a problem for hours.

    The problem is when I view a english page it is always display the 404 page of the French Context.

    Does anyone can point me to the solution of this problem?

    Thank you for your help
      • 50093
      • 6 Posts

      I think I have the same issue and maybe you can help me with babel and Modx. I have started to use Modx 2 weeks ago and I think it is great. I need to create a web site for a client adn use multilanguage capabilities. SO before digging into the web site implementation I wanted to test the Modx and the multilanguage babel extra. I use this configuration:

      - Modx 2.3.3 with bitnami installation
      - Babel 3.0.0-beta2

      I have two installtions:

      1) bitnami modx in the Azure machine
      2) bitnami modx in local machine

      I have followed the instructions on the


      blog and i have only two languages (it for the it contects, and en for the web context)

      but both of the installation are not working

      when I test the multilanguage e.g. mysite/en/ I get 404 PAge not found

      Here the gateway plugin:

      if($modx->context->get('key') != "mgr"){
      /* grab the current langauge from the cultureKey request var */
      switch ($_REQUEST['cultureKey']) {
      case 'it':
      /* switch the context */
      case 'en':
      /* switch the context */
      /* Set the default context here */
      /* unset GET var to avoid
      * appending cultureKey=xy to URLs by other components */


      here the .htaccess setup:

      RewriteEngine On
      #RewriteBase /

      # Rewrite www.domain.com -> domain.com -- used with SEO Strict URLs plugin
      #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
      #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^http://localhost:8888/modx/ [NC]
      #RewriteRule (.*) http://localhost:8888/modx/$1 [R=301,L]
      # or for the opposite domain.com -> www.domain.com use the following
      #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
      #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example-domain-please-change\.com [NC]
      #RewriteRule (.*) http://www.example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]

      # Rewrite secure requests properly to prevent SSL cert warnings, e.g. prevent
      # https://www.domain.com when your cert only allows https://secure.domain.com
      #RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443
      #RewriteRule (.*) https://example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]

      # The Friendly URLs part
      #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

      # detect language when requesting the root (/)
      RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Language} !^(it|en) [NC]
      RewriteRule ^$ it/ [R=301,L]
      RewriteRule ^$ en/ [R=301,L]

      # redirect all requests to /de/favicon.ico and /nl/favicon.ico
      # to /favicon.ico
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule ^(it|en)/favicon.ico$ favicon.ico [L,QSA]

      # redirect all requests to /de/assets* and /nl/assets* to /assets*
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule ^(it|en)/assets(.*)$ assets$2 [L,QSA]

      # redirect all other requests to /de/* and /nl/*
      # to index.php and set the cultureKey parameter
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      RewriteRule ^(it|en)?/?(.*)$ index.php?cultureKey=$1&q=$2 [L,QSA]

      Attached there are the two contexts setup and the resources tree.

      I have spent 4 days until now and read all the posts on the web a tried many things but I cannot have the babel and modx working

      Pleaseeeee helppp!!!!

      Thanks so much

        • 50093
        • 6 Posts
        Hi Again

        I have this link


        where you can see the behaviour of the site

        if you try http://bitnami-modx-5332.cloudapp.net/modx/it/ the page not found is displayed even if the page is in the Contecxt tree

        I can provide access to the web site if you want

        I hope someone can help


          • 50093
          • 6 Posts
          Hi Again

          More info ergarding the links I have posted before


          if($modx->context->get('key') != "mgr"){
          			/* grab the current langauge from the cultureKey request var */
          			switch ($_REQUEST['cultureKey']) {
          				case 'it':
          					/* switch the context */
          					/* Set the default context here */
          			/* unset GET var to avoid
          			 * appending cultureKey=xy to URLs by other components */


          # Rewrite secure requests properly to prevent SSL cert warnings, e.g. prevent 
          # https://www.domain.com when your cert only allows https://secure.domain.com
          #RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443
          #RewriteRule (.*) https://example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]
          # The Friendly URLs part
          #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
          #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
          #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]
          # redirect all requests to /de/favicon.ico and /nl/favicon.ico
          # to /favicon.ico
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
          RewriteRule ^(it|en)/favicon.ico$ favicon.ico [L,QSA]
          # redirect all requests to /de/assets* and /nl/assets* to /assets*
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
          RewriteRule ^(it|en)/assets(.*)$ assets$2 [L,QSA]
          # redirect all other requests to /de/* and /nl/*
          # to index.php and set the cultureKey parameter
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
          RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
          RewriteRule ^(it|en)?/?(.*)$ index.php?cultureKey=$1&q=$2 [L,QSA]
          # Make sure .htc files are served with the proper MIME type, which is critical
          # for XP SP2. Un-comment if your host allows htaccess MIME type overrides.
          #AddType text/x-component .htc
          # If your server is not already configured as such, the following directive
          # should be uncommented in order to set PHP's register_globals option to OFF.
          # This closes a major security hole that is abused by most XSS (cross-site
          # scripting) attacks. For more information: http://php.net/register_globals
          # To verify that this option has been set to OFF, open the Manager and choose
          # Reports -> System Info and then click the phpinfo() link. Do a Find on Page
          # for "register_globals". The Local Value should be OFF. If the Master Value
          # is OFF then you do not need this directive here.
          # Your server does not allow PHP directives to be set via .htaccess. In that
          # case you must make this change in your php.ini file instead. If you are
          # using a commercial web host, contact the administrators for assistance in
          # doing this. Not all servers allow local php.ini files, and they should
          # include all PHP configurations (not just this one), or you will effectively
          # reset everything to PHP defaults. Consult www.php.net for more detailed
          # information about setting PHP directives.
          #php_flag register_globals Off
          # For servers that support output compression, you should pick up a bit of
          # speed by un-commenting the following lines.
          #php_flag zlib.output_compression On
          #php_value zlib.output_compression_level 5
          # The following directives stop screen flicker in IE on CSS rollovers. If
          # needed, un-comment the following rules. When they're in place, you may have
          # to do a force-refresh in order to see changes in your designs.
          #ExpiresActive On
          #ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000
          #ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000
          #ExpiresByType image/png A2592000
          #BrowserMatch "MSIE" brokenvary=1
          #BrowserMatch "Mozilla/4.[0-9]{2}" brokenvary=1
          #BrowserMatch "Opera" !brokenvary
          #SetEnvIf brokenvary 1 force-no-vary

          Please help us for that


            • 13730
            • 149 Posts

            First, Babel works for me now.

            Thank Alberto, for your feedback. Your comments have helped me to look at the problem from a different angle.

            I look at your setting and the only difference I found from my setting was your .htaccess file.

            So I copy you .htaccess file on my server and modify the «# Rewrite www.domain.com -> domain.com -- used with SEO Strict URLs plugin» with my domain name and try it.

            After that, I was able to see the home page in english only. When I try other english pages, it always gave me the english home page. It was a start, the problem could be in the .htaccess file, at least for me.

            So, I take the .htaccess file from another installation (Modx 2.2.14 + Babel 2.2.5) and copy it to my Modx 2.3.3 + Babel 3.0.0. Beta 3 installation. Bingo, it is working.

            Here my .htaccess file. I change « fr » to « it » in the .htaccess file for you. You only have to modify the «Rewrite domain» rule.

            # MODX supports Friendly URLs via this .htaccess file. You must serve web
            # pages via Apache with mod_rewrite to use this functionality, and you must
            # change the file name from ht.access to .htaccess.
            # Make sure RewriteBase points to the directory where you installed MODX.
            # E.g., "/modx" if your installation is in a "modx" subdirectory.
            # You may choose to make your URLs non-case-sensitive by adding a NC directive
            # to your rule: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA,NC]
            RewriteEngine On
            RewriteBase /
            # Rewrite www.domain.com -> domain.com -- used with SEO Strict URLs plugin
            # => For me ,I use this rule <=
            RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
            RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^your-domain\.com [NC]
            RewriteRule (.*) http://your-domain.com/$1 [R=301,L]
            # or for the opposite domain.com -> www.domain.com use the following
            # DO NOT USE BOTH
            #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
            #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example-domain-please-change\.com [NC]
            #RewriteRule (.*) http://www.example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]
            # Rewrite secure requests properly to prevent SSL cert warnings, e.g. prevent 
            # https://www.domain.com when your cert only allows https://secure.domain.com
            #RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443
            #RewriteRule (.*) https://example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]
            # redirect all requests to /de/favicon.ico and /nl/favicon.ico
            # to /favicon.ico
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
            RewriteRule ^(it|en)/favicon.ico$ favicon.ico [L,QSA]
            # redirect all requests to /de/assets* and /nl/assets* to /assets*
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
            RewriteRule ^(it|en)/assets(.*)$ assets$2 [L,QSA]
            # redirect all other requests to /de/* and /nl/*
            # to index.php and set the cultureKey parameter
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
            RewriteRule ^(it|en)?/?(.*)$ index.php?cultureKey=$1&q=$2 [L,QSA]
            # Make sure .htc files are served with the proper MIME type, which is critical
            # for XP SP2. Un-comment if your host allows htaccess MIME type overrides.
            #AddType text/x-component .htc
            # If your server is not already configured as such, the following directive
            # should be uncommented in order to set PHP's register_globals option to OFF.
            # This closes a major security hole that is abused by most XSS (cross-site
            # scripting) attacks. For more information: http://php.net/register_globals
            # To verify that this option has been set to OFF, open the Manager and choose
            # Reports -> System Info and then click the phpinfo() link. Do a Find on Page
            # for "register_globals". The Local Value should be OFF. If the Master Value
            # is OFF then you do not need this directive here.
            # Your server does not allow PHP directives to be set via .htaccess. In that
            # case you must make this change in your php.ini file instead. If you are
            # using a commercial web host, contact the administrators for assistance in
            # doing this. Not all servers allow local php.ini files, and they should
            # include all PHP configurations (not just this one), or you will effectively
            # reset everything to PHP defaults. Consult www.php.net for more detailed
            # information about setting PHP directives.
            #php_flag register_globals Off
            # For servers that support output compression, you should pick up a bit of
            # speed by un-commenting the following lines.
            #php_flag zlib.output_compression On
            #php_value zlib.output_compression_level 5
            # The following directives stop screen flicker in IE on CSS rollovers. If
            # needed, un-comment the following rules. When they're in place, you may have
            # to do a force-refresh in order to see changes in your designs.
            #ExpiresActive On
            #ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000
            #ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000
            #ExpiresByType image/png A2592000
            #BrowserMatch "MSIE" brokenvary=1
            #BrowserMatch "Mozilla/4.[0-9]{2}" brokenvary=1
            #BrowserMatch "Opera" !brokenvary
            #SetEnvIf brokenvary 1 force-no-vary

            I hope, it can help you.

            Have a good day

              • 50093
              • 6 Posts
              Hi Again

              Thanks for you post.

              I have tried to modify the .htaccess file but still I got 404 Page not found when trying to switch to the Italian page


              The installation is brand new and nothing is done on it apart for the Babel multilingual settings

              The installation is in a sub folder /modx is that maybe the issue? Do you also have the installation in a sub folder?

              here is the .htaccess file. As you can see the RewriteBAse is set to a/modx because the installation is under /modx folder

              I assumed this from the http://bitnami-modx-5332.cloudapp.net/modx/ url. Maybe I am wrong??????

              # This configuration has been moved to the application config file for performance and security reasons
              # MODX supports Friendly URLs via this .htaccess file. You must serve web
              # pages via Apache with mod_rewrite to use this functionality, and you must
              # change the file name from ht.access to .htaccess.
              # Make sure RewriteBase points to the directory where you installed MODX.
              # E.g., "/modx" if your installation is in a "modx" subdirectory.
              # You may choose to make your URLs non-case-sensitive by adding a NC directive
              # to your rule: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA,NC]
              RewriteEngine On
              RewriteBase /modx
              # Rewrite www.domain.com -> domain.com -- used with SEO Strict URLs plugin
              RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
              RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^bitnami-modx-5332.cloudapp/modx\.net [NC]
              RewriteRule (.*) http://bitnami-modx-5332.cloudapp.net/modx/$1 [R=301,L]
              # or for the opposite domain.com -> www.domain.com use the following
              # DO NOT USE BOTH
              #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
              #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.example-domain-please-change\.com [NC]
              #RewriteRule (.*) http://www.example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]
              # Rewrite secure requests properly to prevent SSL cert warnings, e.g. prevent 
              # https://www.domain.com when your cert only allows https://secure.domain.com
              #RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443
              #RewriteRule (.*) https://example-domain-please-change.com/$1 [R=301,L]
              # The Friendly URLs part
              #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
              #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
              #RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]
              # redirect all requests to /de/favicon.ico and /nl/favicon.ico
              # to /favicon.ico
              RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
              RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
              RewriteRule ^(it|en)/favicon.ico$ favicon.ico [L,QSA]
              # redirect all requests to /de/assets* and /nl/assets* to /assets*
              RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
              RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
              RewriteRule ^(it|en)/assets(.*)$ assets$2 [L,QSA]
              # redirect all other requests to /de/* and /nl/*
              # to index.php and set the cultureKey parameter
              RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
              RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
              RewriteRule ^(it|en)?/?(.*)$ index.php?cultureKey=$1&q=$2 [L,QSA]
              # Make sure .htc files are served with the proper MIME type, which is critical
              # for XP SP2. Un-comment if your host allows htaccess MIME type overrides.
              #AddType text/x-component .htc
              # If your server is not already configured as such, the following directive
              # should be uncommented in order to set PHP's register_globals option to OFF.
              # This closes a major security hole that is abused by most XSS (cross-site
              # scripting) attacks. For more information: http://php.net/register_globals
              # To verify that this option has been set to OFF, open the Manager and choose
              # Reports -> System Info and then click the phpinfo() link. Do a Find on Page
              # for "register_globals". The Local Value should be OFF. If the Master Value
              # is OFF then you do not need this directive here.
              # Your server does not allow PHP directives to be set via .htaccess. In that
              # case you must make this change in your php.ini file instead. If you are
              # using a commercial web host, contact the administrators for assistance in
              # doing this. Not all servers allow local php.ini files, and they should
              # include all PHP configurations (not just this one), or you will effectively
              # reset everything to PHP defaults. Consult www.php.net for more detailed
              # information about setting PHP directives.
              #php_flag register_globals Off
              # For servers that support output compression, you should pick up a bit of
              # speed by un-commenting the following lines.
              #php_flag zlib.output_compression On
              #php_value zlib.output_compression_level 5
              # The following directives stop screen flicker in IE on CSS rollovers. If
              # needed, un-comment the following rules. When they're in place, you may have
              # to do a force-refresh in order to see changes in your designs.
              #ExpiresActive On
              #ExpiresByType image/gif A2592000
              #ExpiresByType image/jpeg A2592000
              #ExpiresByType image/png A2592000
              #BrowserMatch "MSIE" brokenvary=1
              #BrowserMatch "Mozilla/4.[0-9]{2}" brokenvary=1
              #BrowserMatch "Opera" !brokenvary
              #SetEnvIf brokenvary 1 force-no-vary

              And this is the gateway

              if($modx->context->get('key') != "mgr"){
              			/* grab the current langauge from the cultureKey request var */
              			switch ($_REQUEST['cultureKey']) {
              				case 'it':
              					/* switch the context */
              					/* Set the default context here */
              			/* unset GET var to avoid
              			 * appending cultureKey=xy to URLs by other components */

              As you can see from the gateway code the Modx backend is always removing the ?> Php tag . Is this maybe the reason it is not working?

              Please could you help me on that?

              If you want I can give you the user name and password for the the Azure cloud machine and you can see the all setup

              Please let me know

              Many Thanks
