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    • 49481
    • 32 Posts
    Say I a few different resources representing different website pages.
    Each resource uses a different template but they all share some of the same TVs.

    At the moment, if I change the TV values on one resource, none of the other resources are affected. It's a lot of busy work to go through and change the same TV to the same value on each resource.

    Is there an option somewhere I've missed so that TVs are linked across resources?

    To put it simply, I want to be able to change the value of a TV on one resource and have it change on all the other resources too.

    This question has been answered by sottwell. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      That's not the purpose of TVs. However, if you give a TV a default value when you create it, then all resources will have that value, until you change the TV value in a given resource.

      You can hide the TV conditionally, for example for non-Administrator users, with Form Customization, so editor users can't modify the TV value. Or you can use a "hidden" TV type, so that it never shows, and can only be changed by editing the default value of the TV itself.

      You can also use @INHERIT as the default value of a TV, then when you edit a parent resource all of its children will inherit that value.

      You can use ClientConfig extra to create custom settings that can be used like any setting [[++setting_key]], and use that tag as the default value of a TV. Then if you want to change it, just change the setting value in the ClientConfig CMP - or just use the setting instead of a TV in the first place.
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        • 49481
        • 32 Posts
        Ok, I see! Thanks very much smiley