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    • 34049
    • 28 Posts

    I'm puzzled on how to create a navigation list in a sidebar panel for a long resource. I have several long resources with several sections, each section being titled with the <h4> tag. To provide a link to each section I have added an anchor tag <a name="section 1" etc.

    What I'm trying to do is to generate a list of the anchor tags in a navigation panel to the side. I have searched but I can't find any extras that will provide this list.

    Any suggestions or avenues to pursue would be appreciated.


      • 42562
      • 1,145 Posts
      Searching and listing section tags or ids is work for the client side, I think...no need to get MODx power to do it from within, if that's what you are asking.

      I reckon you need a TOC plugin. jQuery or plain JavaScript can do that easily when the page is loaded.
      Check out http://projects.jga.me/toc/

      or even better, http://css-tricks.com/automatic-table-of-contents/

      And you won't need needless anchor tags for the sections, as long as you have the headings or a pattern, the plugin will inject the anchors for ya.....put the browser to work! - that's what I say.

      I hope that helps,
      Blessed New Year
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        • 34049
        • 28 Posts

        Thanks for the response, you're correct it is a table of contents that I was after, now you mention it I can't think why I didn't just simply ask for a TOC.

        Thanks for the pointers I will follow them up.
          • 4172
          • 5,888 Posts
          you could also use MIGX to create the sections and the anchor-navigation easily

            you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


          • Or ContentBlocks.

            You don't need named <a> anchors, you can use ID attributes as the anchors.
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