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  • Ok, after cleaning up and re-creating some groups, your unset($_SESSION...) line does the trick.
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      Good to hear. joinGroup() should really clear both session variables. I filed a bug report on this.

      BTW, if you're sending group and/or role IDs rather than names, it's a good practice to do this:

      $user->joinGroup( (int) $groupId, (int) $roleId);

      The joinGroup() method uses is_string() to determine whether it's getting a name or an ID, so if it receives '1' it will try to add the user to a group named '1' rather than the group with the ID 1. [ed. note: BobRay last edited this post 9 years, 4 months ago.]
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      • That's good to know. And thank you.

        Here's the final working code:
        $groupname = 'Group1';
        if(!($modx->user->isMember($groupname))) {
          $userId = $modx->user->get('id');
          $context = 'web';
          $targets = explode(',', $modx->getOption('principal_targets',
            null, 'modAccessContext,modAccessResourceGroup,modAccessCategory,sources.modAccessMediaSource'));
          array_walk($targets, 'trim');
          $modx->user->loadAttributes($targets, $context, true);
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