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  • Today we released Revolution 2.3.2. This patch release includes dozens of fixes and improvements along with a fix to prevent low-risk cross site scripting (XSS).

    Here are just some of the highlights of Revolution 2.3.2:
    • Fix Custom Resource Class (CRCs) icons in trees
    • Fixed missing Permissions tabs for anonymous User Group Disabled keyboard shortcut to focus the search bar
    • Fixed MODx.Ajax.request ot handle multiple concurrent requests
    • Use FontAwesome check box icons instead of sprite images
    • Added visual indication in elements trees when an element is edited (active class)
    • Fixed store load if init combobox value is 0
    • Fixed rendering TVs to modx-resource-content by Manager customizations
    • Fixed for arrow that pointed wrong way in collapse areas
    • Language simplification for context menu items
    • Fixed moving menu items, with "n_" in title, to different parent
    • Prevent XSS in Manager
    • For a complete list of changes in Revo 2.3.2 view the changelog

    We strongly recommend staying up with current releases to avoid unwanted compromise. While the security fix in 2.3.2 was not of a critical nature, keeping up with releases keeps your site secure and keeps you in the habit of routine upgrades.

    Get Started with Revo 2.3.2
    Here's what you need to get started or upgrade to MODX Revolution 2.3.2:

    Not Yet Using Revolution 2.3?
    Revolution 2.3 was a significant release. If you're not yet using it here's what you're missing out on.

    It Takes a Village
    MODX is only as good as it is because of many individual community members and users that take the time to report issues and request new features. Make sure you read the documentation, post feedback and share your successes in the MODX community forums.

    On behalf of the entire MODX Team,
    Thank-you! [ed. note: BobRay last edited this post 9 years, 6 months ago.]
      Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub

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