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    I have it set to database_email, but it's only capturing in the DB and not sending the email. The problem only started recently. I checked the error log and this is what I found
    [2014-10-09 08:39:27] (ERROR @ /assets/components/formz/connector.php) fmzFormsValidation: Attempt to set NOT NULL field error_message to NULL
    [2014-10-09 08:39:43] (ERROR @ /assets/components/formz/connector.php) fmzFormsValidation: Attempt to set NOT NULL field error_message to NULL
    [2014-10-09 08:43:14] (ERROR @ /index.php) An error occurred while trying to email the Admin: You must provide at least one recipient email address.

    An email address is provided.

    Any input is appreciated.