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    I'm needing assistance relinking the "featured_image" assigned to posts in our WordPress blog.
    We currently have 2 previews of posts on our homepage, but since updating WordPress, the "featured_image" seems to be broken and the default image is displayed.
    We had the site developed a few years back and I've tried a few changes to the template, chunk and also adding a snippet.
    The problem is, two different developers were involved and it was mentioned by the website developer, that the WordPress was not set up correctly and the image link was hard coded.
    Since the WordPress update, the "hard coded" link was broken.
    The post still appears (text & links) but not the thumbnail.
    The template is as follows:
    <div class="blog-item">
    <div class="blog-cat">BLOG POST</div>
    <div class="blog-thumb"><img src="[[+featured_image:default=`assets/images/image-blog-01.jpg`]]" width="214" height="81" alt="[[+title]]" title="[[+title]]" /></div>
    <div class="blog-desc">
    <h2><a href="[[+link]]" title="[[+title]]" target="_blank">[[+title:ellipsis=`35`]]</a></h2>
    <p class="date">Posted on [[+pubdate:strtotime:date=`%B %d, %Y`]] by [[+dc.creator]]</p>

    The code on the homepage is:
    [[!getResources? &parents=`1390`&sortby=`{"publishedon":"ASC"}` &tpl=`tecopostTpl`&includeTVs=`1`&tvPrefix=``&limit=`1`]]
    [[!getFeed? &url=`[[++site_url]]wordpress/?feed=rss`&tpl=`blogpostTpl`&limit=`2`]]

    Any help is greatly appreciated. [ed. note: teco-aus last edited this post 9 years, 6 months ago.]
      TECO Australia - The Comfortable Choice
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      You'd probably get a better answer if you asked this question on a WordPress Forum.
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        • 49113
        • 2 Posts
        Ok, will do.
        I'll post a link if I get an answer.
        Thanks Bob.
          TECO Australia - The Comfortable Choice