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    As mentioned here http://forums.modx.com/thread/92651/version-0-9-6-1p2-available-for-download-somewhere#dis-post-506351 I'm trying to import old resources to my "new" MODx-Revo 2.2.4 by using the ImportX-Package.

    Importing resources like in the examples does work:

    Rock solid copy;sepiariverstudios;0
    Editing your resources remotely;modxmobile;0

    But I have a slightly larger "command", because I need to import the whole content including the html-tags, which has some issues (my separator is "LSB;"):

    Release: Savath & Savalas - La LlamaLSB;Release: Savath & Savalas - La LlamaLSB;xxxLSB;release-savath-and-savalas-la-llama-with-bonus-45LSB;0LSB;"<p><img align="right" alt="Savath y Savalas - La Llama" class="lightbox" height="186" src="assets/images/savath-vinyl.jpg" width="200" />Heute veröffentlicht der Künstler <em>Prefuse 73</em> unter seinem Projekt <strong>Savath & Savalas</strong>, welches er mit der katalanischen Sängerin <em>Eva Puyuelo Muns</em> und <em>Roberto Lange</em> (aka <em>Helado Negro</em>) betreibt, ein neues Album mit dem Titel <strong>La Llama</strong> auf <em>Stones Throw</em>. Zu erwerben gibts das Album im Label eigenem <a href="http://www.stonesthrow.com/store/album/savathysavalas/la-llama" target="_blank">Shop</a>, zu der Vinyl-Ausführung gibt es eine bonus 45'er dabei! Als kleines Geschenk gibt es aber für Alle einen <strong>Gratis Song</strong>! </p><p>Die Musik bewegt sich abermals wie gewohnt im Latino-angehauchtem Downbeat Sektor, geprägt durch die wunderbar verschrobenen Beatfrickelein und Soundtüfteleien von Guillermo Scott Herren.</p><p><strong>Download MP3:</strong> <a href="http://www.stonesthrow.com/jukebox/" target="_blank">Savath & Savalas - La Llama </a></p>LSB;1242769965LSB;1LSB;1254223146LSB;xxxLSB;15

    So pagetitle, longtitle, desription, alias, menutitle and template get transmitted, but the whole content is missing as well as the publishedon-value and the createdon-value too; haven't testet the "isfolder"-function yet.

    Any hint on that?

    [ed. note: profilneurotiker last edited this post 9 years, 8 months ago.]
      • 35756
      • 166 Posts
      ok, it was just a formatting-error...by fixing it all worked well...

      maybe helpful for others some information about the the createdon-issue:


      put the published (pub_date) into an other field that is not used, for example link_attributes
      after importing is finished run a mysql query to move the value from link_attributes to pub_date

      the query im using is:

      SELECT link_attributes FROM modx_site_content FOR UPDATE;
      UPDATE modx_site_content SET createdon = link_attributes, publishedon = link_attributes, link_attributes = '' WHERE id >= '54';

      the id 54 is just in my case, there are 53 resources that i created previously before the import wink