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    I wanted to share a little trick to get the "manage pictures" button from maxigallery to be in the QM bar.

    In the file "qm.inc.php" at around line 362, change:

    <li class="qmAdd">
    <a class="qmButton qmAdd colorbox" href="'.$this->modx->config['site_url'].'manager/index.php?a=4&pid='.$docID.'&quickmanager=1">


    <li class="qmAdd">
    <form action="/index.php?id='.$docID.'" method="post" name="activateadminform">
    <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="admin" />
    <input type="submit" value="Manage Gallery" />

    I am just replacing the action for adding a resource with an action to manage a maxigallery.
    I also remove the [+maxigallery.managebutton+] placeholder from the maxigallery templates.
    Now all the buttons a user needs are in the QM bar and I don't have to explain that there is a "manage pictures" button floating somewhere on the page, independent of controls you use up top.

    I was usually deactivating that button anyway to prevent users from adding resources where ever they may be at on a site.
    I use the custom buttons field provided with QM to create buttons to add specific pages only where one should, like a new blog entry or another gallery page for example:

    'Add New Blog Post','new','34','21'  || Add New Gallery','new','28','17'

    BTW this is using QM 1.5.6. , but it will work with earlier versions as well, replacing the same code, just on whatever line it may fall. [ed. note: markoj last edited this post 9 years, 7 months ago.]