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    Hi All,

    If you see the attached image I'm having a problem where I don't get any TinyMCE image options within TinyMCE. This worked fine on the previous versions and from what I could see TinyMCE is supposedly a supported extension with this version of ModX.


    The odd thing is that there are no AJAX errors on this page and the AJAX response does appear to be returning valid data (which leads me to think the issue is with the viewing of the returned data, not with the AJAX call itself).

    Anyone experiencing similar issues or have any ideas on how to fix this?

    PHP Version 5.4.30
    • Thanks for pointing that out. If you review the list of Extras working/not working here:


      you'll see TinyMCE as one partially working:

      "TinyMCE 4.3.3-pl, working but some paths need updating, seems non-breaking atm tho (@sepiariver)"
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