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  • Hi,

    I have a website running on a clean install of MODX 1.0.14 which is having high parse times. I set an empty template with just the following to check what is hogging up the page time:

    [^qt^] - Query Time - Shows how long MODx took talking to the database

    [^q^] - Query Count -Shows how many database queries MODx made

    [^p^] - Parse Time - Shows how long MODx took to parse the page

    [^t^] - Total Time - Shows the total time taken to parse/ render the page

    [^s^] - Source - Shows the source of page, whether is database or cache.

    The result was as follows:

    0.0006 s - Query Time - Shows how long MODx took talking to the database
    0 - Query Count -Shows how many database queries MODx made
    1.4177 s - Parse Time - Shows how long MODx took to parse the page
    1.4183 s - Total Time - Shows the total time taken to parse/ render the page
    cache - Source - Shows the source of page, whether is database or cache.

    Again, the page is literally empty - on other pages with data it sometimes spikes to between 3 and 4 seconds easily.

    This website is hosted on a dedicated Dual Quad Core with 32GB of RAM and does not use half the capacity not even at peak times. No other website has this behaviour with regards to parse time so I'm sure it's not from server load.

    Anyone ever had this problem or can help out with a solution?

    Thanks smiley
      Steven James McLean
      Tech Lead
      • 20413
      • 2,877 Posts
      - How big is your database (check Tools > Backup > scroll down)
      and what is the file size of siteCache.idx.php in your cache folder.

      - What is the results if you disable cache for the resource you use to test with.
        @hawproductions | http://mrhaw.com/

        Infograph: MODX Advanced Install in 7 steps:

        Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower
      • Hi mrhaw - thanks a lot for your reply!

        The database has a total of 30.54MB and an overhead of 72.01MB. I have attached the screenshot.

        The file size of SiteCache.idx.php is 32.3MB.

        I have run the same resource (empty templates with just benchmark tags) with Cache switched off with the following results:

        0.0098 s - Query Time - Shows how long MODx took talking to the database
        3 - Query Count -Shows how many database queries MODx made
        2.3847 s - Parse Time - Shows how long MODx took to parse the page
        2.3945 s - Total Time - Shows the total time taken to parse/ render the page
        database - Source - Shows the source of page, whether is database or cache.

        You have suggestions as to how this can be solved please?

        Thanks in advance smiley
          Steven James McLean
          Tech Lead
          • 13226
          • 953 Posts
          Quote from: sjmclean at Jun 17, 2014, 10:03 AM
          an overhead of 72.01MB
          SiteCache.idx.php is 32.3MB.


          You should clear the overhead via phpMyAdmin - optimise the tables

          I run a site that uses over 3500 resource ID's with FURL's, plenty of content, snippets and chunks and the SiteCache.idx.php is only 543kb

          Correct me if i'm wrong, but so far as I am aware the SiteCache.idx.php is loaded every page call, so you must have an extensive amount of traffic just alone for that one file

          You state that the site runs on a clean install - does that mean an upgraded site or a complete new install ? I ask, due to the content table having about 10mb. [ed. note: iusemodx last edited this post 9 years, 11 months ago.]
            • 20413
            • 2,877 Posts
            Quote from: iusemodx at Jun 17, 2014, 10:34 AM

            Correct me if i'm wrong, but so far as I am aware the SiteCache.idx.php is loaded every page call, so you must have an extensive amount of traffic just alone for that one file


            This "clean install" has +60,000 resources, and +2000 web users...
            Great thread: http://forums.modx.com/index.php/topic,36714.0.html

            The site can be made to run in EVO but demands a lot of adjusting and some coding.

              @hawproductions | http://mrhaw.com/

              Infograph: MODX Advanced Install in 7 steps:

              Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower
            • With clean install I was referring to no modifications on the core files of MODX.

              Yes mrhaw, you are correct with over 60,000 resources and over 2,000 web users.

              Thank you both for your help smiley I will check out what you sent me and revert back.
                Steven James McLean
                Tech Lead
              • Maybe it is that Wayfinder issue: https://github.com/modxcms/evolution/issues/226