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    • 37165
    • 89 Posts
    I am using MigxDB to store a bunch of artwork. In the DB there is a section for users to add in the series name for each artwork. On the front end I am generating a list of all the series names and then using Jquery isotope to sort them(this works fine). The problem that I am having is that on the front end I am getting duplicates of series names in my filterable list. I'm not sure if I need a snippet or what, but I need some way to have the call not repeat any entires.

    For example:
    These are my images
     <div class="colorSeries">image goes here</div>
    <div class="colorSeries">image goes here</div>
    <div class="colorSeries">image goes here</div>
    <div class="BWSeries">image goes here</div>

    Here is my MigxDB call to create the list that is used for isotope filters


    This is the result that I get
    <li>Color Series</li>
    <li>Color Series</li>
    <li>Color Series</li>
    <li>Black and white series</li>

    But what I want is this:
    <li>Color Series</li>
    <li>Black and white series</li>

    It shows a series for each image on the page. But I want it to skip any duplicates. Any ideas?

    This question has been answered by Bruno17. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      if extendedThree is your series_name - field try:


        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 37165
        • 89 Posts
        Freaking awesome! Totally works. Thanks AGAIN!
          • 37165
          • 89 Posts
          Is there a way to accomplish this with MIGX instead of MIGXDB? I am trying to do the exact same thing with a smaller project that has the same set up just in MIGX not MIGXDB. I tried adding &groupby to my GetImageLIst call but nothing happened. Quote from: Bruno17 at May 28, 2014, 05:10 AM
          if extendedThree is your series_name - field try:

            • 4172
            • 5,888 Posts
            &groupby isn't a getImageList - property



            could work, because it should make the value of the field 'extendedThree' the array-key of each MIGX-item.

              you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


              • 37165
              • 89 Posts
              Very cool! Works great. Thanks AGAIN Bruno!