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    • 40122
    • 330 Posts
    I have the following Wayfinder call:

    [[Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &level=`0` &includeDocs=`5,6,7,11,12`]]

    This should show the links to the listed resources, which are kept in a parent resource. However, they do not. They only way I can get it to work is to include the parent resource as the startId:

    [[Wayfinder? &startId=`3` &level=`0` &includeDocs=`5,6,7,11,12`]]

    This is ok if the resources are all under one parent, but I have a variety of resources on a variety of levels and parents that I can not display.

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
    • You might want to try pdoMenu (part of the pdoTools suite). It has a bigger set of properties options, such as &parents, like getResources does, to replace &startId (which it can also use). http://docs.modx.pro/en/components/pdotools/snippets/pdomenu
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        • 22427
        • 793 Posts
        You could use the UltimateParent snippet:
        [[Wayfinder? &startId=`[[UltimateParent]]` &level=`0` &includeDocs=`5,6,7,11,12`]]

        For more details have a look at the Wayfinder Demo, especially Example 6.
        (Read Explanations>UltimateParent first.) [ed. note: ottogal last edited this post 10 years ago.]