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    • 46448
    • 98 Posts
    I'm in Revo 2.2.12, using mxCalendar 1.1.10-pl installed today using Package Management.

    Perhaps it is not correctly installed, because I'm getting quite a number of features not working.

    Before I go there, a tip of the hat to charless for making this Extra!


    Default active, set to "No" (there are no events in that calendar), and once you leave mxCalendar and come back in, Default calender is re-set to "Yes" for active. "Default" cannot be made non-active.

    When adding a Category, if you put a space in the title, you'll get a freeze when attempting to save. (I did not try this on adding titles for Calendars, but I'll guess the same thing happens here.)

    Tried to add an image, tried to add a video. I cannot get either to work.

    If I try to add image, I can navigate to an image and select it, but it will not save. On "save" or on "close", a 'ghost' window remains on-screen...

    Add Image goes to Create Image with Title, Description, Image, and Active checkbox (checked). Click Image, get the MODX Browser (web.) Navigate to an image, select it, click OK, and Create Image windows reopens. Click Save on that window, screen freezes ("Please Wait... Saving...") If you try to add image, change your mind and hit Close, a ghost window is left behind.

    Are the images to display on the calendar table cell (so they must be tiny), or are they to display on the modal window? Can images and videos and maps show up on the modal window, or just text (like the live demo)?

    Trying to add a video, I'm not sure what I am able to do: can I link to a youtube video by URL? If yes, how? If no, do I need to upload videos to my site? If yes, what format? Do I need to install a video player? Has anyone got a video to show up in the modal window?


    Testing: added 3 events, 2 in the current month, one in next month. Was only able to add "description" and "content" - plain text.

    Calendar appears, but only shows the current month. Previous (<) and Next (>) buttons do nothing.

    "Next" button has this underlying code:

    Modal window is always completely blank, even though underlying page code has data, for example:
    <td id="dom-Sunday30" class="hasEvents">
    <!-- day of month label -->
    <div class="datestamp">30</div>
    <!-- event listing container -->
    <div id="" class="event">
    <div id="1" class="" style="">
    <span class=""> 8:00 AM</span>
    <span class="title ">
    <a href="index.php?id=43&detail=1&r=0" class="mxcmodal">FirstTest</a>

    Added a location to one event, and no map shows up either.


    I'll stop here, and have to guess that I have not correctly installed the Extra. Any help wil be greatly appreciated. If anyone is using this and has a live (public) calendar, showing images and or video on the modal window, I'd love to see it. I'd also like to know how to change the CSS for both the calendar AND the modal window.



    [ed. note: Bruno17 last edited this post 9 years, 11 months ago.]
    • You might want to try an older version. This thread isn't directly related but it does speak to some issues others, including myself, have had.

      I've abandoned it entirely. Working on adapting this Bootstrap 3 Calendar using getResources to build the JSON file necessary for it.

      There's also a beta release of migxCalendars out but it uses fullcalendar, which isn't of any use to me personally since it doesn't seem to be responsive (but maybe could be adapted, I'm not sure).
        • 46448
        • 98 Posts
        Hi rx2, and thanks for that reply - very helpful. mxCalendar is ambitious, and if it all worked (since my use for it, immediately, is in English), it would have all the features that I need.

        Just looked at the Bootstrap 3 demo, and it looks good. I note you can pop a modal window with it, and I personally think that is one refinement I'd want to enable.

        Just starting to examine it, and I don't see a front-end, yet. So, it needs to read from a JSON file - how does the site owner input new events? And, are they stored in a database? How far along are you in your implementation?


        Quote from: rx2 at Mar 28, 2014, 12:38 AM
        You might want to try an older version. This thread isn't directly related but it does speak to some issues others, including myself, have had.

        I've abandoned it entirely. Working on adapting this Bootstrap 3 Calendar using getResources to build the JSON file necessary for it.

        There's also a beta release of migxCalendars out but it uses fullcalendar, which isn't of any use to me personally since it doesn't seem to be responsive (but maybe could be adapted, I'm not sure).
        • Not far and I haven't had time to work on it. I have to get a programmer I know to work on it when he has time.

          But to build the JSON file that calendar uses I just make a JSON content type Resource in MODX and have code like this:

          "success": 1,
          "result": [

          I use a context setting for the parents ID in case of additional contexts that use the same code, but it's just an Events Calendar container with each event a resource within, with the appropriate template variables you can see referred to in the template.

          Where the template calendarEventTPL is:

          "id": "[[+idx]]",
          "title": "[[+longtitle]]",
          "url": "[[++site_url]][[~[[+id]]]]",
          "class": "event-info",
          "start": "[[+eventStartDate:strtotime]]000",
          "end": "[[+eventEndDate:strtotime]]000"

          In my template I have a couple of chunks:


          <div class="page-header">
          <div class="row">
              <div class="pull-right form-inline">
                  <div class="btn-group">
                      <button class="btn btn-primary" data-calendar-nav="prev"><< Prev</button>
                      <button class="btn btn-default" data-calendar-nav="today">Today</button>
                      <button class="btn btn-primary" data-calendar-nav="next">Next >></button>
                  <div class="btn-group">
                      <button class="btn btn-warning" data-calendar-view="year">Year</button>
                      <button class="btn btn-warning active" data-calendar-view="month">Month</button>
                      <button class="btn btn-warning" data-calendar-view="week">Week</button>
                      <button class="btn btn-warning" data-calendar-view="day">Day</button>

          And a [[$calendar]] chunk:

          <div class="row">
              <div id="calendar"></div>

          The JavaScript (which may have been updated since last I looked:

          <script type="text/javascript" src="js/underscore-min.js"></script>
          <script type="text/javascript" src="js/calendar.js"></script>
          <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js"></script>-->
          <script type="text/javascript">
          (function($) {
          "use strict";
          var options = {
          events_source: 'calevents.js',
          view: 'month',
          tmpl_path: 'tmpls/',
          tmpl_cache: false,
          day: 'now',
          onAfterEventsLoad: function(events) {
          if(!events) {
          var list = $('#eventlist');
          $.each(events, function(key, val) {
          .html('<a href="' + val.url + '">' + val.title + '</a>')
          onAfterViewLoad: function(view) {
          $('.page-header h3').text(this.getTitle());
          $('.btn-group button').removeClass('active');
          $('button[data-calendar-view="' + view + '"]').addClass('active');
          classes: {
          months: {
          general: 'label'
          var calendar = $('#calendar').calendar(options);
          $('.btn-group button[data-calendar-nav]').each(function() {
          var $this = $(this);
          $this.click(function() {
          $('.btn-group button[data-calendar-view]').each(function() {
          var $this = $(this);
          $this.click(function() {
          var value = $(this).val();
          value = value.length ? parseInt(value) : null;
          calendar.setOptions({first_day: value});
          var val = $(this).is(':checked') ? $(this).val() : null;
          calendar.setOptions({modal: val});
          $('#events-modal .modal-header, #events-modal .modal-footer').click(function(e){

          The CSS:

          <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/calendar.css" media="screen">

          All the files of which you get from GitHub and place in the appropriate places in your file system.

          Have failed to get Modal working.
            • 4172
            • 5,888 Posts
            There's also a beta release of migxCalendars out but it uses fullcalendar, which isn't of any use to me personally since it doesn't seem to be responsive (but maybe could be adapted, I'm not sure).

            there's not a problem filling the bootstrap - calendar with migxCalendars - dates

              you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


              • 46448
              • 98 Posts
              Quote from: Bruno17 at Mar 28, 2014, 05:20 AM
              There's also a beta release of migxCalendars out but it uses fullcalendar, which isn't of any use to me personally since it doesn't seem to be responsive (but maybe could be adapted, I'm not sure).

              there's not a problem filling the bootstrap - calendar with migxCalendars - dates

              All I know is I want something as easy as possible, with the least amount of programming possible, with an easy, intuitive front-end for website owners.

              Thanks to Bruno17 and rx2 for working on this!

                • 46448
                • 98 Posts
                Update: nearly 2 months after asking for a working version (and offering to help the author out anyway I can, such as testing), there have been no updates to this non-working Extra.

                I sure wish someone would take the code and make it work. (I'm a beginner in php, so I don't have the skills, or I would have already done it.)

                Earlier version(s?) did work, at least some features, because there is a test/sample site where it is installed. So, I'm guessing that the new version's code would not be terribly time consuming to debug.

                Would anyone - with the skills - be willing to take over on the code and make it work?

                • I've just tried migxCalendars and it looks somewhat promising though I can't get it to work (I can see a calendar but no events show up other than current day and the edit calendar page shows me the categories I used but does not show a calendar to drag and drop on to). If it's still in development I'll post issues at Github here: https://github.com/Bruno17/migxCalendars/issues
                    • 4172
                    • 5,888 Posts
                    For what I have it in use in production, it is working without issues.
                    As soon, as there is a client, or I need more features, there will automatically be more developement on it.
                    I've not the time to play with it, just for fun, currently.

                    So just let me know, what is not working or what you are missing and I will see, what I can do for you, guys.


                      you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


                    • Great.

                      Calendar is here: http://bootstrap.itristanmediagroup.modxcloud.com/calendar.html

                      We duplicated the templates and created 2 new resources based on those templates.

                      We also created a blank resource with [[!migxcalGetEvents]] for the Ajax document and pointed the id (&ajax_id=`40`) to document 40.

                      Then we went to Components/MIGX and imported the "migxcalendars" package and created the tables from the package, which results in 8 tables and adds the migxCalendars menu item. We created a category and a couple of events there but they don't show on the calendar itself.

                      When attempting to create events using the front end Edit page we see this:


                      Hide Published
                      Show Unpublished

                      Date Containers


                      And a button without any content.

                      Source code is:

                      <!DOCTYPE html>
                      <html ng-app="migxAngular" id="ng-app">
                      <meta charset='utf-8' />
                      <base href="http://bootstrap.itristanmediagroup.modxcloud.com/" />
                      <meta name="robots" content="noopd,noydir,noindex,nofollow" />
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/components/migxcalendars/js/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.css" type="text/css" />
                      <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/components/migxcalendars/css/style.css" type="text/css" />
                      <link type="text/css" href="assets/components/migxcalendars/js/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.print.css" rel="stylesheet" media="print">
                      <div id="migxcalCtrl"  ng-controller="migxcalCtrl" >
                      	<div id='script-warning'>
                      		your ajax-resource seems not to work.
                      	<div id='loading'>loading...</div>
                              <div id="migxcal_container">
                              <div id="migxcal_categories">
                               <li class="migxcal_category" data-id="1" style="color:#fff;background-color:#f00;">Holiday</li>
                              <li class="migxcal_category" data-id="hide_published" >Hide Published</li>
                              <li class="migxcal_category" data-id="show_unpublished" >Show Unpublished</li>        
                              <h4>Date Containers</h4>
                              <li class="migxcal_category datecontainer" id="datecontainer{{date_container.id}}" data-eventid="{{date_container.id}}" data-catid="{{date_container.categoryid}}"  ng-repeat="date_container in date_containers">
                              <button type="button" ng-click="closecontainer(date_container)" class="btn btn-default datecontainer-button btn-xs pull-right">    
                                  <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> 
                      	<div id='calendar'></div>
                      <script type="text/javascript">
                      var migxcalController = null;
                      var migxcal_dragstart_day = null;
                      jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                         migxcalController = $('#migxcalCtrl').scope();
                              zIndex: 999,
                              revert: true,      // immediately snap back to original position
                              revertDuration: 0  //
                      function migxcalCtrl($scope, $http, Config, UiDialog) {
                          $scope.config = Config;
                          $scope.eventResize = function(event,revertFunc){
                              if (!confirm("is this okay?")) {
                              $scope.revertFunc = revertFunc;
                              event.allDay = event.allDay ? '1' : '0';       
                          $scope.eventDrop = function(event,revertFunc,jsEvent, ui, view){
                              var day = event.start.dayOfYear();
                              var week = event.start.isoWeek();
                              if (event.Event_repeating == '1' && migxcal_dragstart_day != day && !confirm("Moving to another day will recreate all repeating dates!")) {
                                  //move to other day
                              if (event.Event_repeating == '1' && migxcal_dragstart_week != week ) {
                                  //move to other week
                                  alert("You can not move reapeatings to another week!");
                              $scope.revertFunc = revertFunc;       
                              event.allDay = event.allDay ? '1' : '0'; 
                          $scope.eventEdit = function(data){
                              var event_id = data.id || 0; 
                              $scope.revertFunc = function(){};        
                          $scope.eventPublish = function(data){
                              var event_id = data.id || 0;        
                              var cfg = Config;
                              cfg.method = 'POST';
                              var dialogOptions = {};
                              var params = {};
                              params.configs = 'migxcalendar_dragdropdate';
                              params.action = 'mgr/migxdb/process';
                              params.processaction = 'publishdate';
                              params.object_id = event_id;
                              //params.original_request_uri = request_uri;
                              params.data = data;        
                              var ajaxConfig = UiDialog.preparePostParams(cfg, params);
                              ajaxConfig.data = {
                                  //data: data
                              $http(ajaxConfig).success(function(response, status, header, config) {
                                  if (response){
                                  var success = response.success || false;
                                  var message = response.message || '';
                                  if (success) {
                                  } else {
                              }).error(function(data, status, header, config) {
                                  //UiDialog.error(data, status, header, config);
                          $scope.eventDropNew = function(event,el){
                              if (!confirm("is this okay?")) {
                              if (el.scope){
                                  var datecontainer = el.scope().date_container;
                                  if (datecontainer && datecontainer.repeating == '1'){
                                      alert("You can not drag dates into containers with repeatings");
                              $scope.revertFunc = function(){
                          $scope.changeEventDates = function(event,action){
                              var end = '';
                              var start = '';
                              var action = action || 'edit';
                              if (event.end){
                                  end =  event.end.format();   
                              if (event.start){
                                  start =  event.start.format();   
                              var data = {
                                  enddate : end,
                                  startdate : start
                              if (event.allDay){
                                  data.allday = event.allDay;
                              if (event.data){
                                  if (event.data.id){
                                     data.Event_categoryid = event.data.id; 
                                  if (event.data.catid){
                                     data.Event_categoryid = event.data.catid; 
                                  if (event.data.eventid){
                                     data.event_id = event.data.eventid; 
                              var event_id = event.id || 'new';
                              if (action == 'edit'){
                                  $scope.editEvent(event_id , angular.toJson(data));  
                              if (action == 'update'){
                                  $scope.updateEvent(event_id , angular.toJson(data));  
                          $scope.hidePleaseWait = function(){
                              if ($scope.waiting){
                                  $scope.waiting = false;     
                          $scope.updateEvent = function(event_id,data) {
                              var cfg = Config;
                              cfg.method = 'POST';
                              var params = {
                              var ajaxConfig = UiDialog.preparePostParams(cfg, params);
                              ajaxConfig.data = {
                                  data : data 
                              $http(ajaxConfig).success(function(response, status, header, config) {
                                  $scope.waiting = true;
                              }).error(function(data, status, header, config) {
                                  UiDialog.error(data, status, header, config);
                          $scope.editEvent = function(event_id,data) {
                              var cfg = Config;
                              cfg.method = 'POST';
                              var dialogOptions = {};
                              var params = {};
                              params.configs = 'migxcalendar_dragdropdate';
                              //params.action = 'mgr/migxdb/process';
                              params.action = 'web/migxdb/fields';
                              //params.processaction = 'updateevent';
                              params.object_id = event_id;
                              //params.original_request_uri = request_uri;
                              params.data = data;
                              UiDialog.loadModal($scope, Config, params, dialogOptions);
                          $scope.refresh = function(){
                          $scope.closecontainer = function(datecontainer){
                              if (datecontainer.id){
                                  delete $scope.date_containers['dc_'+datecontainer.id];
                          $scope.relaodDateContainers = function(){
                                  var data = $(this).data();
                                  if (data.eventid){
                          $scope.loadDatesContainer = function(event_id){
                                  var cfg = Config;
                                  cfg.method = 'POST';
                                  var dialogOptions = {};
                                  var params = {};
                                  params.configs = 'migxcalendar_loadcontainer';
                                  params.action = 'mgr/migxdb/process';
                                  params.processaction = 'loadcontainer';
                                  params.object_id = event_id;
                                  //params.original_request_uri = request_uri;
                                  //params.data = data;        
                                  var ajaxConfig = UiDialog.preparePostParams(cfg, params);
                                  ajaxConfig.data = {
                                      //data: data
                                  $http(ajaxConfig).success(function(response, status, header, config) {
                                      if (response){
                                          var success = response.success || false;
                                          var message = response.message || '';
                                          if (success && response.object) {
                                              data = {};
                                              data.item = response.object;
                                          } else {
                                      //$('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' );
                                  }).error(function(data, status, header, config) {
                                      //UiDialog.error(data, status, header, config);
                          $scope.setDatesContainer = function(data){
                              $scope.date_containers = $scope.date_containers || {};
                              if (typeof(data.item) != 'undefined'){
                                  $scope.date_containers['dc_' + data.item.id] = data.item;
                                      var color = data.item.Category_textColor && data.item.Category_textColor != '' ? data.item.Category_textColor : '#FFFFFF';
                                      var background_color = data.item.Category_backgroundColor && data.item.Category_backgroundColor != '' ? data.item.Category_backgroundColor : '#3A87AD';
                                          'color' : color,
                                          'background-color' : background_color
                                          zIndex: 999,
                                          revert: true,      // immediately snap back to original position
                                          revertDuration: 0  //                
                      <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/components/migxcalendars/js/lib/moment.min.js"></script>
                      <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/components/migxcalendars/js/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.js"></script>
                      <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/components/migxcalendars/js/fullcalendar/lang/de.js"></script>
                      	$(document).ready(function() {
                      	    var migxcal_categories = {};
                      			header: {
                      				left: 'prev,next today',
                      				center: 'title',
                      				right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
                      			lang: 'en',
                                  editable: 1,
                      			events: {
                      				url: 'migxcalajax.html',
                                      data: function() {
                                          return {categories:migxcal_categories};
                      				error: function() {
                      			loading: function(bool) {
                                  ,   eventResize: function(event, revertFunc) {
                          eventDrop: function(event, revertFunc,jsEvent, ui, view) {
                              migxcalController.eventDrop(event,revertFunc,jsEvent, ui, view);
                          eventDragStart: function(event, jsEvent, ui, view) {
                             migxcal_dragstart_day = event.start.dayOfYear();
                             migxcal_dragstart_week = event.start.isoWeek();
                          droppable: true,
                          drop: function(moment, e ) {
                              var el =  $(e.target);
                              var event = {
                                  start : moment,
                                  data : el.data()
                          eventAfterAllRender: function(view){
                          eventRender: function(event, element) {
                                  content: event.popupmenu,
                                  html: true,
                                  placement: 'top'
                                  //hide all other popovers
                                  $('.event-button').click(function() {
                                      var data = $(this).data();
                                      var action = data.action;
                                      if (action == 'edit'){
                                      if (action == 'publish'){
                                      if (action == 'unpublish'){
                                      if (action == 'loadcontainer'){
                                          if (data.eventid){
                                  var el = $(this);
                                  var id = el.data().id;
                                  if (el.hasClass('selected')){
                                      migxcal_categories['c_' + id] = id; 
                                      migxcal_categories['c_' + id] = 0; 
                                  $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' );