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    • 45063
    • 40 Posts
    I'm trying to implement basic social networking functionality on a small project. I searched this topic many times, but the one thing I can't understand: Is addons like "Login", etc. are providing user registration for MODx user/member group or just a regular web user? What I actually need, is to allow two types of users (for example Support and Regular User) to register on the site and have their own profile page with a simple messaging system (no need for chat, just a regular board). E.g Regular Users can't contact with each other, but can contact Support group (each user will have their own messaging history with support, not visible to each other). The last thing is not a big problem, I guess, it's just a matter of modification.
    All I need to know, is there any addons that provide at least similar functionality to start with?
      • 37042
      • 384 Posts
      Login should allow you to add registrants to a particular UserGroups on submit. Could you have a login registration form for each type perhaps on a page for each.
        • 45063
        • 40 Posts
        Quote from: eladnova at Feb 04, 2014, 11:40 PM
        Login should allow you to add registrants to a particular UserGroups on submit. Could you have a login registration form for each type perhaps on a page for each.

        So, the Login addon registering user in a new User Group, right? Does it supports user-profile pages? Documentation says only about Login/Log Out forms.
          • 4172
          • 5,888 Posts
          there is also Profile and UpdateProfile packaged with the login-package

            you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


            • 37042
            • 384 Posts
            Re User Profile pages, I believe you can send any form data via Login to a Modx users profile(in the back end). I've also read about displaying that info back the the front end too. Lookup extended user profiles. Think that was the name. Ultimately, look under the extras and the category called users or membership.