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  • Hi,

    I am using the latest 2.2.10 revo release for a few site. Today I moved them to a new server.
    I can not log in to the manager area, because of caching (varnish).

    After some googling i found this link: http://www.goldcoastmedia.co.uk/blog/varnish-caching-with-modx
    and tried to configure varnish following the instructions of section "domain based" caching.

    But it seems that placing the following lines:

    if (req.http.host ~ "(www)?(modxwebsite|anotherwebsite).co.uk") {

    to vcl_recv (/etc/varnish/default.vcl) section not works. The domains will not be excuded after restart varnish service.

    I can browse pages and go to manager url, but when i fill username and pw fields and click on login button, only get the login form back.

    For the first step it would be enough if i could turn off caching completly on those virtual hosts which belongs to modx installations.

    I would like to use varnish for other domains on the machine, that is why i would not turn it off globally.

    Any idea?

    I'm using: ubuntu 12.04 64bit, nginx/1.1.19, varnishd (varnish-3.0.4 revision 9f83e8f)



    ps.: I tried this too: http://www.dangibbs.co.uk/journal/modx-manager-preview-logouts-and-varnish [ed. note: veresdaniel last edited this post 10 years, 6 months ago.]