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  • I agree: WP crushes it here, but it's intensely frustrating to me that a system so poor has done so well. Wordpress is literally the shanty-town of code, cobbled together by 8th-graders during a slumber party, when every serious architectural flaw is hailed as a "feature", but here's where they have CRUSHED it: they have made coding simple. YES, it's crap. It's AWFUL stuff in their code. Yet designers who have never coded before in their lives can crack it open, chip away at a few things and end up with some results. It is intensely practical. No lectures about objects or properties, it just gets the job done and EVERYTHING else is secondary. If a system can't pull its weight like that, it's got a lot to learn. MODX is so much cleaner with its code, so much better architected it's ridiculous, yet the streamlining isn't there yet. MODX is much better for handling customizations, but it's generally more work to get it set up. Any move towards simplicity is one that is well-received.

    Anyhow... I didn't mean for this thread to go here...
      • 11681
      • 98 Posts
      I continue along the tangent off of the original topic ....

      At this moment,

      Wordpress : MODX :: VHS : Betamax.

      We know who won that fight, and we know why: VHS had a big head start on consumer installations, which drove content creators, which drove more consumer adoption, which further drove the content creators ... until Betamax starved to death despite technical superiority.

      So, either find a killer application (other than blogging) for MODX and really beat on it to provide dead-nuts-simple service to the users of that killer application OR steal Wordpress's lunch by (magically!) importing existing WP themes & plug-ins and producing identical results, yet offering MODX's extensibility as a bonus.

      I don't think the second straw man is possible, so how about the first one, the killer app? There is huge interest in bending WP to a task for which it is utterly unsuited, namely so-called Internet Marketing. WP does a lousy job with this, yet virtually all IM people use WP anyway because it costs them nothing (directly) and is supported with tons of plug-ins (that don't play well together).

      How about explicitly bending MODX to the IM problem? It's worth a lot of money to a lot of people. The IM problem combines bespoke Web site creation, email list management, simple e-commerce, info self-publishing, desperate interest in SEO, user authorization management, security, user forums and (yes) blogging.

      How about serving that market extremely well? Because Everett is absolutely correct.
        I looked just like that in 1964.
      • Actually, I've been working on WordPress import tool: grab users, profiles, posts, pages, custom-post-types, and taxonomies (yes), and even some preliminary template info from WordPress sites into a MODX Revo site in much the way that Vapor pulls data out of a MODX Evo site.
        • Vapor works on Evo?
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          • Oh, snap, I meant Provisioner. I'm bad at names.
            • Thought so wink I do that sort of thing all the time. Half the time I spend working is actually just looking stuff up that I can't remember.
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                And in about 10% of those cases, I find the answer in a post left by ME. wink

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                  So, what ever happened to Revise?
                  Although stagecoach gives us some form of drafting pages, WP still humiliates MODX in this area.

                  • Quote from: rdaneeel at Aug 25, 2014, 08:24 AM
                    So, what ever happened to Revise?
                    Although stagecoach gives us some form of drafting pages, WP still humiliates MODX in this area.
                    It's in use on RTFM at the moment, but still needs work to handle drafting/versioning Template Variable values. I'll see what I can do about getting that wrapped up in the next week or two.