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    • 18174
    • 116 Posts
    Is there already a solution in sight for a multipage solution?
    Instead of reenventing the wheel I'd like to participate on this issue already mentioned in the road map.

    I already realized in Evo with eForm a multi page solution with jump back feature. As I need to compute a lot of information, it is not practicable for me to carry all the date throug the forms in hidden fields. In the former solution I carried the data in the session. The store functionality in FormIt looks nice but cannot gather the data over several forms (overwrite on each call).
    In the end a solution with FormItBuilder would be perfect.
    manu [ed. note: manu37 last edited this post 11 years, 11 months ago.]
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      don't know, if there is a build-in-solution, but its easy to collect the datas in the SESSION by formit-hooks

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 18174
        • 116 Posts
        Right now I have come pretty far to work out multipage functionality by (pre-)/posthooks and store the fields value in the session.
        What I try to realize is a real jump back feature / back button to the previous form.
        Just go back (or js history.back) in the browser isnot satisfying, I loose at least the inputted values of the actual form. So I need a special input submit field which overrules the hole validation but is cached by a posthook (which stores the value of the actual fields - even not validated ones - in the session and redirects to the previous form. I'm unsure if this is possible with the logic of formIt.
        Any ideas?