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    • 37580
    • 17 Posts
    graham.buckley Reply #1, 12 years ago
    Can anyone help please? I've set up a FormIt form within my latest Modx install 2.2.0.pl. The form works fine without the FormItAutoResponder hook added. When I reintroduce that hook it doesn't redirect as well as it doesn't send the customer email either.

       &emailTo=`[email protected]`
       &emailFrom=`[email protected]`
       &fiarFrom=`[email protected]`
       &fiarSubject=`Enquiry Form || Thank You`

    Have I missed something out at all?
      • 37580
      • 17 Posts
      graham.buckley Reply #2, 12 years ago
      Have solved this issue. The problem was that the field within the form was set to user_email and not email. It seems that FormItAutoResponder needs the email field in terms of knowing where to send to the recipients email address. The reason the redirect didn't work was down to FormItAutoResponder failing and therefore any hooks after that don't get executed. Admittedly this is well documented at http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/FormIt.Hooks yet had totally missed it :S