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    V1.0.6 includes:
    [#3699] Fix fatal error using default value on a Template Variable with @INHERIT binding

    The fatal error has been fixed but unfortunately another problem introduced. The actual '@INHERIT' is being output into the page code. For example, I'm using the @INHERIT binding to set the number of columns on a page via the body id. My TV default value is:
    @INHERIT threecolumn

    The output is showing.
    <body  id="@INHERIT threecolumn">

    As a result the layout of every page that relies on the @INHERIT value, which is several hundred on the site I've just upgraded, is wrong.

    Update: @INHERIT binding works with documents where their parent have a TV value set, but not if the parent is itself relying on an inherit value.

    As a short-term fix I've overwritten the 'tmplvars.commands.inc.php' file with that from version 1.0.4.
    [ed. note: randall last edited this post 12 years ago.]