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    1) I'm using MODx Rev 2.1.5. I need to be able to retrieve users' password in plain text as I'm doing users synchronization with another app. How can I do that in Modx?
    I know how to retrieve the salt and password (see below) but how should I go about getting the password in plain text
         $password = $modx->user->get('password');
         $salt = $modx->user->get('salt');

    2) I cannot set a password_hash value in MODx.

    - The api $modx->user->set('password', "clear-text-password"); expect a clear-text password and then encrypt it with the salt value. The password value I get from the third-application (Foxy-cart) is already encrypted therefore useless.

    By the way $modx->user->get('hash'); returns nothing...

    What would it take to add an api in MODx to be able to set password_hash value?

    Thank you
    [ed. note: eclipseTalk last edited this post 12 years, 2 months ago.]
    • You can't. The password is stored as a salted MD5 hash; this is a one-way hashing algorithm and cannot be reversed. The other application will have to hash its password and compare the hashes.
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