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    Hello, can anyone help me get the following code to work with Formit Hook?
    Currently the form won't submit.

    // Takes the user from an eForm submission and adds them
    // to the configured MailBuild / CampaignMonitor list.  How to make it go:
    // 1. Set up the configuration variables below.
    // 2. Create a snippet named 'eForm2MailBuild'.
    // 3. On the page with your eForm call, call the eForm2MailBuild snippet before
    //  your eForm call.
    // 4. Modify your eForm call to run a callback function named 'eForm2MailBuild'.
    // In your page, looks something like:
    // [[eForm2MailBuild]]
    // [!eForm? &noemail=`true` &formid=`contact` &eFormOnBeforeMailSent=`eForm2MailBuild` &tpl=`contactform` &thankyou=`contactthanks` !]
    // ============= Configuration =============
    define('MB_API_KEY', '******'); // Replace <api_key> with your MailBulid API key
    define('MB_LIST_ID', '******'); // Replace <list_id> with your list ID
    // =========== End Configuration ===========
      function eForm2MailBuild( &$fields )
    if($_POST['subscribe'] == 'Yes')
        $params = new stdclass();
        $params->ApiKey = MB_API_KEY;
        $params->ListID = MB_LIST_ID;
        $params->Name = $fields['name'];
        $params->Email = $fields['email'];
        try {
          $client = new SoapClient("http://api.createsend.com/api/api.asmx?wsdl", array('trace' => 1));
          $result = get_object_vars($client->AddSubscriber($params));   
          $resultCode = current($result)->Code;
          $resultMessage = current($result)->Message;
          // If not successful
          if ($resultCode > 0) {
            $isError = true;
          // The following code produces the entire service request and response. It may be useful for debugging.
        //  print "<pre>\n";
        //    print "Request :\n".htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) ."\n";
         //   print "Response:\n".htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse())."\n";
          //  print "</pre>";
        catch (SoapFault $e) {
          //mail('[email protected]', 'error processing form', $e->getMessage()); // Uncomment and replace email address if you want to know when something goes wrong.
          //print_r($e); die(); // Uncomment to spit out debugging information and die on error.
        return true;
    [ed. note: Vitalized last edited this post 12 years, 5 months ago.]
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