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    • 11927
    • 105 Posts
    FormItAutoResponder stops FormIt if email field is left blank.

    If I fill out the form and leave my email input box empty and hit submit, FormIt stops with FormItAutoResponder.

    Is that a bug or a feature?

    The reason I ask is because sometimes you need to send an email to the customer if they input an email address. Also, having the email address as required is not a good idea all the time.

    Revo 2.1.0 RC4
    FormIt 1.5.6 PL
      You may or may not want to use the code I write. It's probably all against the syntax rules of php and MODx. smiley

      Carpet Cleaning
      • 34178
      • 212 Posts
      I recognized a similar bug/feature: FormIt also stops when you enter a non existing email-address while processing FormItAutoResponder.

      Does anybody have an idea how to make FormIt keep on working if somebody enters accidentally a wrong email-address?

      What value is given back by FormItAutoResponder when somebody enters a wrong email-address. Maybe we can inform the visitor about the wrong address or does FormItAutoResponder does not give back any values on failure?
        • 34178
        • 212 Posts
        What about changing line 46 of /core/components/formit/elements/snippets/snippet.formitautoresponder.php from

        return false;

        return true;

        If I understand it correct this change would protect formit from being stopped by wrong or missing email-addresses.

        Can anybody confirm if this is a good way?
          • 34178
          • 212 Posts
          Can anybody of the modx-team tell if this changing from false into true in line 46 is a good idea? Or shouldn´t this be changed?
