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    • 11858
    • 130 Posts
    I am a bit of a noob when it comes to xpdo and php, I’ve managed to query a one to many table and display the results using this code:

    $path = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/athletes/';
    $result = $modx->addPackage('athletes',$path . 'model/','cr_');
    /// Grab required values in Runner table, by race. 
    $query = $modx->newQuery('Runner');
       'RegTypeDescription' => $race
    $athletes = $modx->getCollection('Runner', $query);
    /// Grab all values in Time table. It grabs about 10 columns, I could restrict this to the 4 or so I need to speed it up? 
    $athleteTimes = $modx->getCollection('Time');
    $athleteTimesCount = count($athleteTimes);
    /// Loop through all the athletes entered for the race
    foreach($athletes as $athlete) {
        /// Grab the RegId into a variable to pass as criteria for the next foreach
        $athleteRegId = $athlete->get('RegId');
        /// Loop through all the times that have been recorded so far at each aid station. up to 4,500 records. 
        foreach($athleteTimes as $athleteTime) {
            $athleteTimeRegId = $athleteTime->get('timeRunnerId');
            /// If there is a match, add those values to the athlete object
            if ($athleteTimeRegId == $athleteRegId) {
                $aidId = $athleteTime->get('timeStationId');
                    'aid' . $aidId . 'Time' => $athleteTime->get('timeRunnerSecReadable'),
                    'aid' . $aidId . 'Pace' => 'Pace '.$athleteTime->get('timePaceFromStart'),
        /// use a template to display results
        $fields = $athlete->toArray();
        $output .= $modx->getChunk('LiveRaceRow', $fields);
    return $output;

    LiveRaceRow template:

    [[+aid1Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid1Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid2Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid2Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid3Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid3Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid4Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid4Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid5Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid5Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid6Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid6Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid7Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid7Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid8Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid8Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid9Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid9Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid10Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid10Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid11Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid11Pace]] </span>
    [[+aid12Time]]<br />
    <span class="twitterInfo">[[+aid12Pace]] </span>

    Now I’m pretty sure I’m going about this the wrong way. There’s a foreach loop within a foreach loop that gets the one to many (Runners -> Time) values from table "time". The page that’s generated is http://centurionrunning.com/live-test/live-ndw26.2-2011-marathon and it takes a long time to parse - 20secs on average, but it is on the cheapest bluehost plan, so slow server too. I will up to the next plan or transfer to site5 as I’ve been hearing good things.

    Can anyone shed some light on what is best practice for executing a query like this to lower load times from 20secs to max 5secs? I imagine I’ll be doing this type of one to many query a lot! Thanks in advance.
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      As suggested in the other thread, you can cache a rendered row for each runner into a extra field of your runners table, when saving a new runners-time.

      Then your listing-snippet only needs to get the rendered rows and put them together to your html-table.
      I would also cache the result of your listing-snippet somehow.

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 4172
        • 5,888 Posts
        you can also optimize your code a bit:

        store all times in one loop to an array:

        foreach ($athleteTimes as $athleteTime) {
            $athleteTimeRegId = $athleteTime->get('timeRunnerId');
            $aidId = $athleteTime->get('timeStationId');
            $times[$athleteTimeRegId][$aidId] = $athleteTime->toArray();

        and get them later in your runners-loop:

        foreach ($times[$athleteRegId] as $aidId => $time) {
            $athlete->fromArray(array('aid' . $aidId . 'Time' => $time['timeRunnerSecReadable'], 'aid' . $aidId . 'Pace' => 'Pace ' . $time['timePaceFromStart'], ), '', true);

          you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • Also if you have a lot of Athletes to loop through, you might save a bit of memory using
          $athleteTimes = $modx->getIterator('Runner');

            Mike Schell
            Lead Developer, MODX Cloud
            Email: [email protected]
            GitHub: https://github.com/netProphET/
            Twitter: @mkschell
            • 3749
            • 24,544 Posts
            I think you would save some time by getting the chunk once (outside your loop) and using str_replace in the loop to fill in the placeholders. And using the chunk’s ID rather than the chunk name in the getChunk() argument will also save a little time.

            You might also consider leaving both the page and snippet cached and just clearing the cache after you enter the data for each race.
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            • FWIW, you should always use $modx->getChunk(’chunkname’, $properties) within the loop because it is now optimized and uses a built-in caching mechanism to avoid database queries; this was one of the major improvements in MODX 2.1+. You can also now use $modx->parser->getElement(’modChunk’, ’chunkname’) in 2.1+ to get any Element by name using the same internal caching mechanism.
                • 3749
                • 24,544 Posts
                Interesting. Are they cached by name rather than ID number?
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                  • 11858
                  • 130 Posts
                  I’ve upgraded to 2.1.3 and the speed issue is still there. I’ve done some more sniffing around - the query and loop itself is not the issue as if I do a print_r, the array displays really quickly, ie <1sec.

                  It’s this line:

                  $output .= $modx->getChunk('LiveRaceRow', $fields);

                  that is causing all the slowdown. As soon as I comment and use print_r, it displays the data <1sec, unformatted of course. I uncomment we are back up to 20+ second loads. Here is a runner that has passed all the checkpoints:

                      [AutoId] => 145
                      [RegId] => 30108165
                      [EventId] => 
                      [EventTitle] => 
                      [ClientEventId] => 
                      [GroupId] => 
                      [RegDate] => 
                      [CancelDate] => 
                      [StatusDescription] => 
                      [RegTypeDescription] => 
                      [first_Name] => 
                      [last_Name] => 
                      [FirstLastName] => Aaron Martin
                      [Address_1] => 
                      [Address_2] => 
                      [City] => 
                      [CityRegion] => 
                      [postal_Code] => 
                      [Country] => 
                      [Phone] => 
                      [HomePhone] => 
                      [Photo] => 
                      [CellPhone] => 
                      [Email_Address] => 
                      [SecondaryEmail] => 
                      [DirectoryOptOut] => 
                      [DateOfBirth] => 
                      [Gender] => 
                      [Nationality] => 
                      [GroupName] => 
                      [BibNumber] => 0
                      [EmergencyContactName] => 
                      [EmergencyContactPhone] => 
                      [roomSharerID] => 
                      [TotalCharge] => 
                      [BalanceDue] => 
                      [AddBy] => 
                      [AddDate] => 
                      [ModBy] => 
                      [ModDate] => 
                      [ChooseYourCategory] => 
                      [TshirtSize] => 
                      [ClubName] => 
                      [MedicalIssues] => 
                      [MoreDetails] => 
                      [Fitness] => 
                      [PreviousRunningExperience] => 
                      [Shuttle] => 
                      [aid1Time] => 00:45:45
                      [aid1Pace] => Pace 06:55
                      [aid2Time] => 02:02:02
                      [aid2Pace] => Pace 09:18
                      [aid3Time] => 03:03:03
                      [aid3Pace] => Pace 07:39
                      [aid4Time] => 05:05:55
                      [aid4Pace] => Pace 09:37
                      [aid5Time] => 06:45:55
                      [aid5Pace] => Pace 09:26
                      [aid6Time] => 10:02:30
                      [aid6Pace] => Pace 11:58
                      [aid7Time] => 13:27:00
                      [aid7Pace] => Pace 14:05
                      [aid8Time] => 15:55:00
                      [aid8Pace] => Pace 13:56
                      [aid9Time] => 18:44:06
                      [aid9Pace] => Pace 14:42
                      [aid10Time] => 20:33:06
                      [aid10Pace] => Pace 14:08
                      [aid11Time] => 23:55:08
                      [aid11Pace] => Pace 15:18
                      [aid12Time] => 24:59:08
                      [aid12Pace] => Pace 14:54

                  vs a runner that’s only passed through one aid station:

                      [AutoId] => 217
                      [RegId] => 33846707
                      [EventId] => 
                      [EventTitle] => 
                      [ClientEventId] => 
                      [GroupId] => 
                      [RegDate] => 
                      [CancelDate] => 
                      [StatusDescription] => 
                      [RegTypeDescription] => 
                      [first_Name] => 
                      [last_Name] => 
                      [FirstLastName] => Ruth Belsom
                      [Address_1] => 
                      [Address_2] => 
                      [City] => 
                      [CityRegion] => 
                      [postal_Code] => 
                      [Country] => 
                      [Phone] => 
                      [HomePhone] => 
                      [Photo] => 
                      [CellPhone] => 
                      [Email_Address] => 
                      [SecondaryEmail] => 
                      [DirectoryOptOut] => 
                      [DateOfBirth] => 
                      [Gender] => 
                      [Nationality] => 
                      [GroupName] => 
                      [BibNumber] => 0
                      [EmergencyContactName] => 
                      [EmergencyContactPhone] => 
                      [roomSharerID] => 
                      [TotalCharge] => 
                      [BalanceDue] => 
                      [AddBy] => 
                      [AddDate] => 
                      [ModBy] => 
                      [ModDate] => 
                      [ChooseYourCategory] => 
                      [TshirtSize] => 
                      [ClubName] => 
                      [MedicalIssues] => 
                      [MoreDetails] => 
                      [Fitness] => 
                      [PreviousRunningExperience] => 
                      [Shuttle] => 
                      [aid1Time] => 01:00:00
                      [aid1Pace] => Pace 09:05

                  So the aidxTime and aidxPace doesn’t exist until a runner passes through an aid station. Therefore there are a lot of object field columns that dont exist until a runner goes through an aid station, could these undeclared columns be slowing it down to a massive degree? If so, short of not using a chunk template and hard coding it in, how can I speed it up?
                    • 4172
                    • 5,888 Posts
                    is it faster when you use str_replace?

                    I mean something like that:

                    $placeholders = '[+field1+],[+field2+],[+field3+],[+field4+],[+field5+],[+field6+]';//add here all your fields
                    $placeholders = exlode(',',$placeholders);
                    $chunk = $modx->getObject('modChunk', array('name' => 'LiveRaceRow'));
                    $template = $chunk->getContent();
                    foreach ($athletes as $athlete) {
                        * more code
                        $fields = $athlete->toArray();
                        $output .= str_replace($placeholders, $fields, $template);

                    ... and again, I would really try to save a rendered row, when saving a new or edited record in a extra field.

                      you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


                      • 11858
                      • 130 Posts
                      Thanks Bruno for all your help.

                      I didn’t want to save a rendered row as it feels like a "hack" to make the system do what it should be able to do easily. I mean, if modx can’t query live data without creating and then querying a rendered row, it all becomes a bit pointless.

                      Anyway, I thought that all these undeclared columns and therefore empty placeholders could be causing the issue and indeed it was. My code now looks like:

                      $path = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/athletes/';
                      $result = $modx->addPackage('athletes',$path . 'model/','cr_');
                      $query = $modx->newQuery('Runner');
                         'RegTypeDescription' => $race
                      $athletes = $modx->getCollection('Runner', $query);
                      $athleteTimes = $modx->getCollection('Time');
                      $athleteTimesCount = count($athleteTimes);
                      foreach($athletes as $athlete) {
                          $athleteRegId = $athlete->get('RegId');
                          /// echo 'athleteRegId:' . $athleteRegId . '<br/>';
                           for ($i = 1; $i <= 14; $i++) {
                                      'aid' . $i . 'Time' => '-',
                                      'aid' . $i . 'Pace' => '-',
                          foreach($athleteTimes as $athleteTime) {
                              $athleteTimeRegId = $athleteTime->get('timeRunnerId');
                              /// echo 'athleteTimeRegId:' . $athleteTimeRegId . '<br/>';
                              if ($athleteTimeRegId == $athleteRegId) {
                                  /// echo 'We have a match <br />';
                                  /// echo $athleteTime->get('timeRunnerSecReadable') . '<br />';
                                  /// echo $athleteTime->get('timeStationId') . '<br />';
                                  /// echo $athleteTime->get('timePaceFromStart') . '<br />';
                                  $aidId = $athleteTime->get('timeStationId');
                                      'aid' . $aidId . 'Time' => $athleteTime->get('timeRunnerSecReadable'),
                                      'aid' . $aidId . 'Pace' => 'Pace '.$athleteTime->get('timePaceFromStart'),
                          /// $output .= '<pre>' . print_r($athlete->toArray(),true) . '</pre>' . $allTimesRegId;
                          $fields = $athlete->toArray();
                          ///print '<b>Before sorting</b>: <br> <pre>';
                          ///print '</pre>';   
                          $output .= $modx->getChunk('LiveRaceRow', $fields);
                          ///$output .= $modx->getChunk('LiveRaceRow', $fields);
                      return $output;

                      with the big change being

                      for ($i = 1; $i <= 14; $i++) {
                                      'aid' . $i . 'Time' => '-',
                                      'aid' . $i . 'Pace' => '-',

                      So the fields are declared and we’re looking at ~2 sec loading time. Much better and now it’s acceptable. I wonder if this is part of a bigger problem in modx? Surely blank placeholders shouldn’t slow everything down to the degree it has?