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    After many seamless Evo installs on Apache, I’m attempting my first Revolution install on IIS 7 but getting Fatal errors and the host has said they "normally only grant the IIS user write permissions to paths we know the application is going to write data to - such as upload/media/temp directories" and asked which directories need write access.

    Can anyone tell me, or point me to a list of which directories need write access, or more generally the correct permissions required on folders?

    PS. This is in relation to a previous ’FATAL ERROR: MODX Setup cannot continue’ error message that has been resolved, but I now get another:

    FATAL ERROR: MODX Setup cannot continue.

    Make sure your D:/Sites/mywebsite.com/www/core/cache directory exists and is writable by the PHP process.
    • http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Basic+Installation#BasicInstallation-PreInstallationChecks

      If you get a blank screen or cannot proceed after clicking ’Install’, verify these steps:

      1. Make sure the directories "/core/packages","/core/cache", "/core/import", and "/core/export" are writable.
      2. Make sure your php.ini setting sets memory_limit to 128M, and max_execution_time to 120
      3. Create a blank file "/core/config/config.inc.php" and make it writable. DO NOT COPY config.inc.tpl! Just make it a blank file!
      4. Post a message in the Revolution forum regarding your issue. State your server setup and installation info, and we’ll try and help you find a solution.
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        • 2396
        • 101 Posts
        Thanks for your help, the site is running now. I missed the IIS child board under General to put this on, sorry.